Life Builders Discipleship Program
Step one of life builders is an introduction to your new walk with Jesus. The following items are an example of what is in step one: being baptized, sharing how you came to Jesus, having a quiet time with the Lord, and memorizing scripture.
In this step of life builders you have a little experience and have matured some in your walk. Key milestones to progressing through this step include: sharing the gospel, attending evangelism training, reading a few books, and memorizing more scripture.
You’re a well-seasoned believer now! There is still plenty to learn but in this step you take on the responsibility of helping someone else through the steps of discipleship. In addition, you will do an in-depth study of a section of scripture. It’s time to stretch those muscles!
In this last step, the believer is involved in leading others in the church and developing opportunities outside of the church. Step four Christians will do a deep study of an entire book of scripture, summarize it in their own words, and talk through it with the pastor.